Creative spirit and planning
Continuous drive systems combine know-how from mechanics, hydraulics, hydrostatics and electronics. In a clever combination of these areas of knowledge, we realize innovative, energy-efficient drive systems for you. Creative spirit – we combine with enthusiasm and success!
We combine… quick and precise
The way. Already in the early stages of development, we involve all relevant areas in the design process. In order to keep coordination times short and to create technically sophisticated and cost-effective products, we pull all the right strings.
We combine… technology and cost-effectiveness
The goal. Our primary objectives are the overall economic optimum and highest technical standards. Sophisticated transmission variants and complex tasks challenge us to develop special solutions.
We combine… high-tech and passion
Our staff. They are characterized by professional training, creativity and boundless enthusiasm for the task. Loyalty, highest motivation, broad competence and unconditional team spirit complete the profiles. Through it, VDS promises TOP results and satisfied customers.
Our tools
We design with state-of-the-art CAD software from Dassault Systemes.
- V5 R19
- V5-6R2013
- V5-6R2015
- V6 R2013x
We use e-Plan design the wiring harnesses.
- ePlan electric P8
- ePlan harness proD
Calculation – Simulation
Keep an eye on it. Accompanying the entire development process.
Preselection. In the system setup, we define translations, determine the required variator properties, select suitable variators and limit all other variables.
Load collective. The loads occurring in the gearbox are determined, in the case of unknown load collectives we use our own extensive information library.
Dimensioning. The design determines the dimensions of essential elements such as gears and bearings as well as the required space – axle distances, tooth widths, number of teeth, modules, gearing qualities, surface properties…
Analysis. In the course of the design, the gearbox is further detailed – examples: bearing systems, rolling bearing dimension, shaft strength, connections.
Detaildesign. Gear corrections optimize load-bearing capacity and smoothness. We determine the projected service life of all transmission elements and the overall system in relation to the intended load collective.
Realization and verification. After testing and availability of the results from test bench runs, precalculated operating states, properties and forecasts are verified. Methods, assumptions and influences to be taken into account are constantly being improved and refined.
Knowledge and tools
Our tools
KISSsoft for the design, recalculation and optimization of machine elements such as gears, planetary drives, shaft/bearing systems, springs and screw connections.
KISSsys for modeling complete transmission systems, for calculating VTP and VPD transmissions in different sizes and application areas, for cross-component analyses such as the definition of optimized gear corrections.
VDS programs for selecting suitable variator elements (hydro pump, hydro motor, compact unit, generator, motor,…) and for the detection and progression of essential system parameters such as speed and torque conversion, power, efficiency… The software developed by VDS for the computational analysis of the operating ranges of a CVT transmission.
VDS calculation templates for the design of individual machine elements based on MS-Excel, for the recalculation of variator transmission systems and for the design and recalculation of individual machine elements such as lamella couplings. Developed and standardized by VDS with partial consideration of verified test findings.
Contact - Sales
Gewerbepark 6
4493 Wolfern | Austria