
Responsible for the content (according to Section 5 of the E-Commerce Act/Disclosure pursuant to Section 25 of the Media Act):

Gewerbepark 6, A- 4493 Wolfern
Phone: +43 7253 88080-0
Fax: +43 7253 88080-50
Mail: office(at)

Managing Director: DI Heinz Aitzetmüller, DI Gerhard Hörmann

Business objective: Gearbox development and drive technology

Company wording (according to commercial register): VDS Getriebe GmbH
Companys register number: 328517 p
Company Court: Regional Court Steyr, Upper Austria
Authority ECG (E-Commerce Gesetz): Bezirkshauptmannschaft Steyr-Land
VAT: ATU64974558


Copyright 2009-2021 VDS Getriebe GmbH
All rights reserved. All texts, images, graphics, sound, video and animation files as well as their arrangements are subject to copyright and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. They may not be copied for commercial or distribution purposes, nor modified and used on other websites. Our Internet pages also contain material that is subject to the copyright of those who made it available.


Despite the utmost care in the selection and presentation, no liability of any kind can be assumed for errors contained nevertheless.
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Website Concept and Realization:
pixelscreativefactory e.U.
Karl Punzerstraße 49, 4400 Steyr, Austria
Managing Director: Carina Wojtak

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